The importance of garment product quality for garment enterprises?

As we all know, many problems will arise because of the quality of the products. For garment factory enterprises, rework will delay the production schedule due to quality problems, and it will also affect the work mood of employees, which will lead to more problems, and the production schedule will be further affected. The production schedule can not keep up and directly affect the delivery time, which affects sales and even leads to the loss of orders, then the factory can not talk about creating profits, no profit talk about development.

For clothing brand enterprises, if product quality is not done well, it will be rejected by consumers and eliminated by the market, and eventually face closure. Therefore, whether it is a garment factory or a garment brand enterprise, the quality of the product is related to the survival of the enterprise, and the survival and development of the two are closely related. Especially the garment factory, as the production end, the quality of the clothes produced is crucial and cannot be ignored. The craftsmanship and quality of a piece of clothing, to a certain extent, represents the character of the maker of this clothing (factory). In the garment factory, it can be said that clothes = character, quality is life!

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So how can the garment factory control the quality and improve the quality? Siyinghong is a domestic clothing supply chain expert, with advanced clothing smart factory, has been committed to "do quality fast reverse", so far has successfully served more than 300 well-known foreign fashion clothing enterprises. Therefore, for clothing factories how to improve product quality, there are the following suggestions:

1.Strengthen management and implement standardized digital management;
2. Formulate reasonable and standardized working hours and piecework amount;
3. Adopt appropriate incentive measures with more rewards and less penalties;
4. Enhance employees' sense of belonging;
5. To ensure the output by quality, to control the output by quality, not blindly pursue a certain index such as speed and output.

Quality is not only related to the rise and fall of factory enterprises, but also related to the vital interests of employees. When you encounter a quality problem, don't look at it as complicated, start with the operation of the staff.

First, standardize and optimize the actions of employees, which is the first idea to solve the quality problem. Many quality problems are ultimately caused by the non-standard operation of employees, which is a place that many enterprises are easy to ignore. There are many cases that do not do any special technical equipment improvement, that is, standardize and optimize the actions of employees, the effect is very obvious.

Second, carry out horizontal control, that is, check each other. Horizontal control is to check the problem layer by layer, isolate, and check each other in place, which is a very effective method.

Third, large-scale investigation of the problem, at the point to solve the problem. Quality problems should be checked every day, and the effect will be obvious. Even if there are more problems identified, they must be solved point by point. Don't tackle too many problem areas at the same time. Before producing a product, you can also investigate the historical problems that have occurred in this product, and then implement the responsible person to solve it little by little. This method of investigation is also a very good method.

Above, after solving these quality problems, product quality will naturally improve. In addition to the previous five suggestions to teach clothing factories how to improve product quality, I think buyers to find buyers must be a good clothing brand factory, seize the important links, so as to control the endless quality problems in the production process is also very key. At present, the competition in the clothing industry has entered the white heat, and the pressure of enterprise production has also become larger, and many clothing companies are trying to transform to adapt to the new trend. However, many small and medium-sized garment enterprises have encountered more and more problems in order management. How to improve the fast reverse efficiency while ensuring product quality?

Siyinghong - do quality fast reverse
Siyinghong has a standardized management system, intelligent production equipment and leading digital technology, the goal is to create high-quality fast reverse, enabling clothing enterprises to build intelligent manufacturing systems that penetrate the production of nerve endings.

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Through GST, the basic data of materials, designs and processes are standardized and digitized. Then through MES, ERP, intelligent hanging and other hardware and software data linkage, to further achieve large-scale on-demand and customized product production collaboration.

While ensuring product quality, it can help the brand greatly reduce inventory costs, and adapt to the rapid development of the present stage and even the future through the improvement of the overall efficiency of the brand's own supply chain.

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Seeking efficiency by quality, seeking development by work efficiency, quality is related to the survival of an enterprise, quality is the life of the enterprise, so the enterprise must pay attention to quality to survive.

Post time: Jun-30-2024