Is the 100% polyester fiber written on the clothes good?

If you want to know whether the 100% polyester fiber written on the clothes is good, you should first know what the polyester fiber is, and then see what kind of fabric it is!

"Polyester fiber" is what we usually say polyester, is the most widely used chemical fiber fiber, there are a variety of different applications! From summer shirt fabric, dress fabric, chiffon, and sun-protective clothing fabric, to winter warm fabric grain wool, quilt hollow wool and so on.

1.What is a polyester fiber? Polyester fiber is generally used in English

polyester, What we usually call polyester. Polyester fiber (polyester) is a synthetic chemical fiber, made mainly of polyester polymer. By preparation of polymeric ester monomer, the most commonly used monomer is polyethylene terephthalate (
terephthalate)。Polyester fiber is the largest yield and most widely used synthetic fiber in the world. It has the following advantages: durability: polyester fiber has good tensile strength and wear resistance, making it a durable fiber option; wrinkle resistance: polyester fiber has good wrinkle resistance, easy to wrinkle, easy to keep flat; heat resistance: polyester fiber has high heat resistance, easy to melt or deformation; chemical resistance: polyester fiber has good tolerance to many chemicals; easy to stain: polyester fiber easy to stain, can obtain rich color selection. Disadvantages: easy to static electricity, not dust and moisture; not resistant, easy to yellow and lose strength.

2. The discovery of polyester fibers

Polyester fibers, by J.R. Wyfield and J.T. Dickeson Two people, inspired by the study of W. H. Carothers), invented in 1942! When it is used as fiber, it is also known as polyester, or PET if it is used, for example in plastic beverage bottles.

process flow:

Manufacturing of polyester fibers usually involves the following steps

1.Polymerization: will toorthobenzene dicarboxylic acid Polyizes with ethylene glycol (usually ethylene glycol) to form a polyester polymer.

2.Spinning: Continuous fibers are formed by melting the polymer and passing through the spinning hole plate.

3.Curing and stretching: The fibers pass through the cooling and curing process and stretch on a stretching machine to enhance strength and durability.

4.Forming and post-processing: the fiber can be formed through textile, weaving, sewing, and post-processing, such as dyeing, printing and finishing.

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3.Polyester fiber fabricCommon varieties and uses of the

Polyester fiber can be woven into a variety of fabrics with a variety of other fabrics, which is widely used in many fields and varieties:

Textiles and clothing: Polyester fiber is widely used in the textile and clothing industry to make shirts, pants, skirts, sweaters, sportswear and so on.

Household items: including bed sheets, curtains, carpets, furniture coverings, towels, etc.

Industrial applications: Polyester fibers are often used to make ropes, canvas, tents, filter materials and reinforced materials.

lothing fabric, can imitation hair, imitation hemp, imitation silk, imitation deer skin, from summer light chiffon fabric, shirt cloth to winter imitation wool, warm wool, and so on, a variety of!

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Post time: Dec-30-2024