How to identify different materials of webbing, ribbon or ribbon?

In the procurement of various webbing, ribbon or ribbon, how to distinguish between different kinds of webbing, ribbon or ribbon is a headache, often in the face of this problem and at a loss, and for the relevant knowledge is not much, here Siyinghong a simple introduction to distinguish the method, I hope to help you textile friends.

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Generally, it is easy to identify fiber by combustion method, but it is not easy to judge blended products. It is necessary to select a yarn from the warp and weft direction (that is, straight and horizontal direction) and burn it separately. The warp and weft yarns of two kinds of unknown ribbon are removed and burned with a lighter, and some physical phenomena are observed during the burning process to determine the raw materials of warp and weft yarns. When burning, it is necessary to observe the flame, the melting condition and the odor emitted, and the condition of the ashes after burning. The following are the combustion physical property parameters of webbing, ribbon or satin materials, which can be used for your reference when using the combustion identification method:

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1.Cotton fiber and hemp fiber
Cotton fibers and hemp fibers are just near the flame burning, burning quickly, the flame is yellow, emitting blue smoke. The difference between the smell of burning and the ash after burning is that the smell of burning cotton is paper, and the smell of burning hemp is wood ash; After burning, cotton has little powder ash, black or gray, hemp produces a small amount of gray powder ash.

2.Nylon and polyester
Nylon the scientific name of polyamide fiber, near the flame that rapidly crumbles into a white glue, melting in the flame drips and bubbles, there is no flame when burning, leaving the flame is difficult to continue burning, emitting celery flavor, light brown melt is not easy to grind after cooling. Polyester scientific name polyester fiber, easy to ignite, near the flame that melt, burning side melting side black smoke, yellow flame, emitting aromatic smell, after burning the ashes for black brown hard block, can be broken with fingers. Nylon webbing: near flame that is melting, melting, dripping and foaming, not directly burning, celery flavor, hard, round, light, brown to gray, beaded. Polyester webbing: near flame that is melting, melting, dripping and foaming, can continue to burn, a few smoke, very weak sweet, hard round, black or light brown.

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3.Acrylic and polypropylene
The scientific name of acrylic fiber is polyacrylonitrile fiber, near fire softening and melting contraction, black smoke after fire, the flame is white, and it burns quickly after the flame, emitting the bitter smell of burning meat, and the ash is irregular black hard block after burning, which is easily broken by hand twist. Polypropylene fiber, the scientific name of polypropylene fiber, near the flame is melting, flammable, from the fire burning slowly and black smoke, the upper end of the flame yellow, the lower end of the blue, exudes the smell of oil, after burning the ash for a hard round light yellow brown particles, hand twist fragile.

4. Vinylon and chlorylon
Polyvinyl formaldehyde fiber, the scientific name of Vinylon, is not easy to ignite, near flame melting contraction, burning at the top of a little flame, when the fiber is melted into a colloidal flame becomes larger, there is thick black smoke, emitting bitter aroma, the remaining black beads after burning, can be crushed by fingers. The scientific name polyvinyl chloride fiber, difficult to burn, out of the fire, the flame is yellow, the lower end of the green white smoke, emitting pungent and spicy sour taste, after burning the ash for black brown irregular hard, fingers are not easy to break.

5. Spandex and flon
Polyurethane fiber, the scientific name of polyurethane fiber, near the fire side melting side burning, burning flame is blue, leave the fire to continue melting, emitting a special pungent smell, after burning the ashes for soft fluffy black ash. The scientific name of flon polytetrafluoroethylene fiber, also known as fluorite fiber, near the flame only melting, difficult to ignite, not burning, the edge of the flame is blue green carbonization, melting and decomposition, the gas is toxic, the melt is hard round black beads. Flon fibers are often used in the textile industry to make high performance sewing threads.

Post time: Jul-17-2024