1. manufacturer scale First of all, I think that the size of the manufacturer can not be judged by the size of the manufacturer . Large factories are relatively perfect in all aspects of management system, and will do better in all aspects of quality control than small factories. However, the disadvantage of large factories is that people are too busy, the management cost is too high, and it is difficult to adapt to the current multi-variety and small-batch flexible production line. The price is also relatively high. This is also the reason why many companies are starting to build small factories. When it comes to the scale of garment factories now, they cannot be compared with the past.
In the 1990s, factories had tens of thousands of employees, and now it is not easy to find hundreds of garment factories. Now the common size of many garment factories is a dozen people. And there are fewer skilled workers in garment factories. First, due to personnel faults, those who remain are old employees. But older workers are rigid in their thinking. They rarely think long-term and don't want to learn new technologies. Most of the current employees are born in the 60s and 70s. There are not many clothes after 80, even less after 90, and basically no clothes after 00.
Now the degree of automation of garment factories is getting higher and higher, and the demand for labor is reduced. At the same time, large orders are becoming less and less, large factories do not adapt to the current order needs, small factories are relatively easier to change varieties, as the saying goes, "small ships are good to turn around." Moreover, compared with large factories, the management costs of small factories can also be relatively well controlled, so the overall scale of factories is now shrinking.
For the automation of clothing production, only suits and shirts can be realized at present. While suits also have a lot of processes that need to be handmade, fashion is difficult to automate mass production.
Especially for high-end customized clothing, the degree of automation is even lower. In fact, for the current clothing process, the more high-end categories need manual participation, and automated things are difficult to completely replace all processes. Therefore, to find a manufacturer must: according to the size of your order, find the corresponding size of the manufacturer. If the order volume is small, but to find a large-scale manufacturer, even if the manufacturer agrees to do, it will not pay much attention to this order. However, if the order is relatively large, but find a small manufacturer, the final delivery is also a big problem. At the same time, we do not think that many processes are automated operations, so negotiate with the manufacturer. In fact, as far as the current technology is concerned, the degree of clothing automation is not very high, and the labor cost is still very high.
2. Customer group positioning
To find a manufacturer , it is best to ask your intention to serve what objects. If the manufacturer is mainly to help big brands OEM processing, then he may not be interested in online shop orders. Even if he accepts the network order, but if the operation is done in accordance with the brand process, the online shop may not accept the cost.
Now do foreign trade factories, basically understand the needs of B2B. For example, our manufacturer does B2B customers, basically only need customers to take samples to come over, other things such as purchasing surface accessories, cutting, sewing, after the whole package we do, in addition to help customers on behalf of the delivery. And we also do return and exchange and other after-sales work. So our customers just need to sell well.
For the work of helping customers deliver goods on behalf of customers, normal factories will not set up such personnel, but if you deal with online shops, it is best to operate this way. After all, online shop orders are 100% need to do after-sales, in the past, this kind of after-sales is the brand company has a special person to do. As for the manufacturer to help the cost of delivery must be included in the labor price, but the offer should be more cost-effective than the customer's own labor. Our manufacturer has created a special job for this purpose.
In general, clothing sellers looking for a manufacturer must do the right thing. First ask the main cooperative service objects of the manufacturer, understand what categories they mainly do, and understand the grade and main style of clothes produced by the manufacturer, and find a cooperative manufacturer that matches your own.
3. Your boss's integrity
The honesty of the boss is also a key indicator to measure the quality of a manufacturer . Clothing sellers looking for a manufacturer must first review the integrity of the boss, want to know the integrity of the boss, you can directly go to Google to see if the boss or the company has bad records. At present, this kind of information is relatively transparent. Just need to put the boss's name or company name plus "liar", "deadhead" and other words under the search, if the boss or the company does have relevant bad experience, basically can find the relevant information. If the boss has a record of being lazy, he must not cooperate to avoid as much as possible, otherwise it is prone to various problems. In fact, if a boss has a problem with integrity, the manufacturer will not do for a long time.
Post time: Oct-23-2023